For the 4th edition in Puglia, the only event in Southern Italy to showcase your talent.
Sign up, train with top-class youth coaches, show what you're worth and you could find yourself with a new opportunity both in Italian clubs and in American schools and universities.
What is the goal of participating?
Are you a player who wants to find new opportunities? Are you trying to show off, but no one takes you into consideration? Do you want to train with professional coaches specialized in the youth players?
Elite Euro Talent showcase, is what you need.
Goals of our basketball showcase event in Puglia:
Technical improvement - through intensive training carried out by the Elite Euro Talent staff (coaches specialized in players from top youth sectors in Italy).
Opportunities - many of the most talented participants in EET events have received offers from Italian clubs or American schools
Participants will have the rare opportunity to train under the command of the staff that works with players from high-level youth sectors: four hours of intensive physical and technical training per day. American system, showcase games, specific work on individual fundamentals are the program that awaits our participants.
Therefore, Elite Euro Talent Showcase is the ideal situation not only to improve your technical skills, but also to increase your chances of being noticed, if you are good enough. Furthermore, through our platform, each participant will potentially receive interest from an Italian club or an American school/university - if they have the required talent.
A very high percentage of past participants in EET events have received (and accepted) important offers; get involved too!
Please note that to offer a better experience, the number of participants is limited.
Four days of full-immersion in the unique atmosphere of the Elite Euro Talent showcase, with our top quality standard, make our event unique and - despite someone trying - inimitable.
Event Highlights:
Show off, sign up now!
Duro lavoro in palestra durante gli eventi EET
Accepted ages (boys & girls): born 2007* to 2012
1, 2 e 3 July two daily practices (morning & afternoon)
4 July one XL practice (morning)
Location: Palazzetto dello Sport "PalaEmidea"
Via Piero Argentina, 16 - Francavilla Fontana (BR), Puglia
Price formula "day": EUR 390
Playing reversible EET jersey & EET t-shirt
(no hotel)
Price formula "hotel": EUR 690
Playing reversible EET jersey & EET t-shirt
Hotel in full board - 4 nights
Transfer airport/train station of Brindisi
Limited rooms
Limited spots for 25 players.
*Born 2006 will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Our coaching staff taking care of the details
We cooperate for the scouting and recruiting of the best young talents with some of the most important clubs and youth academies, such as:
Scuola privata di elite in California
Scuola privata di elite a New York City
Scuola privata di elite a Cleveland, Ohio
EET Puglia 2024
Showcase 2024
Tryout days summer 2024
Talents summer 2023
Talents summer 2021
Latvian talents summer 2022
Players from all over Europe
"Future Stars"
Low-post work outs
Our staff
Conference on the recruitment process of the American schools and European clubs
Briefing before practice
Latvian talents summer 2021
Strength & conditioning work outs
International staff summer 2023